The Lamb Brand Figolla Bake Competition is back with great cash prizes to be won!
Same as previous years we want you to bake and decorate your figolli and WIN €250 in cash.
Once the figolli are baked, add 2 Lamb Brand packets, which you used in your recipe and snap a photo. Visit Lamb Brand Facebook Page and submit your photos through the Competition app.
Since we truly believe that Cooking time is Quality time, we invite all ages to be part of all this and bake their figolli.
We are rewarding Euro 250 in cash to 2 winners. One winner will be a child up to 12 years old, whilst the other winner will be 13 years and over.
First runner up from both age groups will win a Euro 50 voucher each from Bow and Ribbon.
The lucky winners will be chosen from the public itself since the photos with the most votes will be the winners, however it is extremely important that the photos uploaded include at least 2 Lamb Brand products, or else contestants will be disqualified.
The competition to enter with your figolli will end on Tuesday 18th April, however you can still submit your votes until Friday 21st April till noon.
Winners will be announced on Friday 21st April.
Keep Easter traditions ALIVE in our families and bake the best figolli ever with Lamb Brand!
All participants have 5 easy steps to follow:
1. Like our Lamb Brand Facebook page.
2. Share the Competition Post.
3. Click here and then click Submit Your Photo.
4. Fill in your details, upload your figolla photo with Lamb Brand products and click Submit.
5. Share with your friends to vote for your figolla photo.
All voters have 7 easy steps to follow:
1. Log in into your Facebook account and in our Lamb Brand Facebook Page.
2. Click on Figolla Competition 2017 from Facebook's Side Menu.
3. Click View Photos.
4. Choose your favourite figolla photo and click VOTE.
5. Tick the box - I'm not a robot.
6. Select the images asked for by Facebook and click Verify.
7. Click VOTE.
Terms and Conditions:
- To be eligible for the prize you must LIKE Lamb Brand Facebook Page and SHARE the Figolla Bake Competition Image.
- Prizes must be collected, no deliveries will take place.
- Vouchers cannot be redeemed in cash and cannot be exchanged for any other merchandise or goods.
- Only homemade figolli are eligible for the competition.
- Figolli photos submitted for the competition should include at least 2 Lamb Brand products.